One of the coolest moments in life is when you say to someone whose hand you just shook, "Check out my website". Having your own personal website is excellent for telling your friends about news in your family. Having a business website is excellent for making money, from a couple extra mad money bucks to part-time income, or even full-time income! Having a hobby website makes it easier to connect with people of similar interests, and generate real appreciation for your efforts. Having a professional-looking website that you built yourself is a bonus on top of all other benifits. Not everybody can build their own website, and many more just think they can't. It's actually easier than it looks.
All websites on the internet are made of files written in a language that browsers can understand and interpret what to display to you. This language is called "HTML", which stands for
Language. Even if you decide not to build yourself a website, knowing this language is a major asset in doing things on the internet. You can certainly spice up your eBay auctions, if you do those. In any case, there is this group called the "World Wide Web Consortium" (
Website Here), and what they do is determine what standards the HTML language should have, to keep browsers from mucking things up. Related to them is a website with bountiful resources for learning website building, and that's where I would recommend starting:

Home Page
Web Primer
HTML Tutorial
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