Free desktop wallpapers - newest favorite website
I really enjoy changing my desktop wallpaper. What you see behind the icons on a desktop should really express the personality of the user, or at least serve as relaxing, energising, or inspiring, as the purpose of the computer demands. Personally, my favorite wallpapers are all dark 3D art pictures, like blue glass and flames and stuff on top of black. The 3D art gets my creative juices flowing, and the dark parts make my icons easier to find (and gosh do I have icons, but that's another story). I have discovered that makes it super easy to browse for exactly what I'm looking for- the search options are comprehensive: keywords, dominant colors, comparison to similar pictures, size, aspect ratio, date, views, etc.... It also has a "SFW/NSFW" (Safe For Work/Not Safe For Work, i.e. nudity and images not acceptable by the general public) switch. There is a bit of a community here, and if you make an account you can contribute comments, save pictures to a Favorites section (which you can also organise), and participate in their forums.
Check it out: