Greywater Recycling

The number one global concern is not global warming, as many think. It is actually the shrinking resource called clean water. Think about it, which would you choose to live one week without, if you had to choose one: petroleum, food, or water? Nobody can choose water because you cannot live without water for one week. So why is everyone concerned so much with recycling aluminum and paper? Pfft! Let's all try to preserve our diminishing water resources.

I wish to share with you the following for your reading pleasure:
Greywater Irrigation
Wikipedia's Greywater article's Graywater article

Simply put, water CAN be used more than once.

Blog Action Day

Today is the day! The next few articles will be rather out of character for the theme of this blog, as they will be directly related to saving the environment rather than saving money by doing free things on the internet.