Your site was denied at BlogExplosion.
Title: The Everything Portal to the Web
This site was denied for the following reason(s):
No Original Content
Our reviewers determined that your site contains content from or links
to nothing but other sources, and does not have any original content.
Because of this, your site does not fall inside the definition of a blog
and we cannot accept it.
Spam/Keyword Site
Our reviewers determined that your site has no purpose other than to
generate money. Such sites include keyword blogs and blogs with nothing
but sponsored posts and largely rely on incoming links to generate
revenue. Such sites are not blogs, they are spam.
Don't you think this is outrageous? What really pisses me off is the Spam/Keyword Site section. Find one single sponsored post. I have two, count them: 2, places I could possibly make money off this blog. If you look in my Ads and Affiliates section in the right, I have referral links to Agloco and FreeCardMatrix. IS THIS SPAMMING???!!! As far as original content, I would like to think the time I've spent writing about websites and cool things on the internet have not gone to waste. Please comment to this post. I don't care if you agree, disagree, or are indifferent, just let me know that you've read this post and what your thoughts are. Thank you, dear readers.